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The full cost of educating a student is not met by the annual tuition. We rely on the generosity of our alumni and families, corporate and foundation sectors, and state and federal grants to provide the additional funding needed. Each gift, regardless of amount, is appreciated and is an investment in securing the mission of Solid Rock Community School.
Do not underestimate the importance of your gift.
Donations can be made by cash, check, or money order. Gifts can also be made by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Solid Rock Community School is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3), so all gifts are tax deductible.
Planned Giving
Solid Rock Community School offers you the opportunity to make a gift to the school that will benefit our students for the long term. This can be accomplished through planned giving options. A planned gift can help to guarantee the stability of Solid Rock for future generations, and also minimize your estate taxes. There are various options available. We list a few of the most common:
Bequests are the cornerstone of any planned giving program. A bequest is a provision in a will that provides cash gifts to a charity. A bequest can also allocate all or a portion of an estate to charitable use. These are gifts of assets rather than income considered wealth transfers. This option allows a donor to give charitably at end of life.
Another option is a trust that can be revocable or irrevocable. A revocable trust is a trust that can be modified by the grantor. An irrevocable trust is one that can be modified only with permission from the beneficiary. An irrevocable trust is established for tax considerations or as part of an estate plan. A charitable remainder trust is an irrevocable trust that pays a specific amount to individuals over a fixed period of time.
Life insurance policies can be donated to Solid Rock Community School by merely designating the school as beneficiary of the paid policy and transferring ownership of the policy to the school. This option allows the donor to make modest payments that can become a substantial gift to the school. This is an option that enables a contributor to give a gift that may otherwise be beyond his or her means.
A planned gift can provide the satisfaction of seeing your gift being used and appreciated during your lifetime. There is great personal satisfaction in helping others less fortunate and seeing children gain acceptance and confidence while reaching their potential.
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