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Review Week

Review Week: The SRCS calendar differs a little from other schools’ calendars. Like public schools, we operate in two semesters and four quarters.  However, after each quarter, we have a Review Week. This provides the required number of school days and a very similar start date and end date to our school year as those of the public schools, but with a one-week break– Review Week– in between each quarter. This allows any students experiencing academic difficulties in the classroom an opportunity to “catch up” to the pace of the class before classes resume.

-Allows the student who has fallen below the pace of the class one-on-one and small-group tutoring.
-Allows students whose grades and end-of-quarter exams reflect that they are struggling in a specific skill or concept to receive tutoring or small-group support.

Review Week attendance is by invitation only. Although it is optional to attend, it is strongly suggested that any invited student participate. Invitation means there is a concern over the student’s ability to successfully move forward with the pace of the class. Review Week allows the opportunity for no student to be left behind!